


Chestnut honey is harvested in June from the chestnut forests of Central Greece. It has a distinctly intense, slightly bitter taste, and a strong smell.

Health Claims

Chestnut honey has a high nutritional value and important attributes. It is rich in a series of micronutrients, such as magnesium, boron, iron, manganese and potassium. Moreover, it has a high concentration of carbohydrates –mainly fructose– which makes it ideal for athletes.

Additionally, it is rich in antioxidants and tannins which stem from the chestnut tree. However, what makes it stand out is its high concentration of impalpable pollen grains, to which it owes its significant nutritional value and intense taste.

Nonetheless, chestnut honey does not only have a high nutritional value, but also significant disinfectant and healing properties that benefit the digestive and the urinary systems. It also alleviates the symptoms of dysentery, flu and throat soreness, while it displays notable antimicrobial and antibacterial action against a plethora of microorganisms, like enterococcus, staphylococcus and helicobacter pylori. Lastly, it contributes to the normal operation of the circulatory and respiratory systems.